About Us

The gentlemen of Sigma Pi are men of high character who share common values embraced by the chapter. Among our common values are Truth and Justice, Scholarship, Diversity, Chivalry, and Character.

Our values and character are exhibited in everything that we do. We believe in developing well rounded men to be the next generation of leaders. Intramural sports, social events, formal events, campus groups and clubs, scholarship commitments, and brotherhood events are just a few examples of the involvement of Sigma Pi brothers.

We provide several opportunities for members to be leaders in our house. From executive council positions to chairmanships, each member contributes something unique to the Omega Chapter that makes us who we are.

Omega Chapter of Sigma Pi Fraternity, International chartered at Oregon State University on May 10th, 1924.

Sigma Pi CrestThe Creed Of Sigma Pi

I Believe

in Sigma Pi, a Fellowship of

kindred minds, united in

Brotherhood to advance Truth

and Justice, to promote

Scholarship, to encourage

Chivalry, to diffuse Culture, and

to develop Character, in the

Service of God and Man; and

I will strive to make real the

Fraternity's ideals in my own

daily life.

The Ideals Of Sigma Pi

  • To establish a brotherhood.
  • To establish and maintain an aristocracy of learning.
  • To raise the standards of morality and develop character.
  • To diffuse culture and encourage chivalry.
  • To promote the spirit of civic righteousness and quicken the national conscience.


Sigma Pi encourages a fraternal culture that promotes its ideals by philanthropic events for its members and the communities in which its chapters are located. Each Chapter completes regular philanthropy events and participate in Sigma Pi’s Altruistic Campus Experience (ACE). The ACE project is in addition to Omega Chapter's normal philanthropy event and participation in other Greek philanthropies on campus.

Leadership Events

Mid-Year Leadership Conference LogoMid-Year Leadership Conference

The Sigma Pi Mid-Year Leadership Conference provides officer training and networking opportunities to over 500 newly elected undergraduate officers and alumni volunteers annually.

Chapter officers will return to campus with a better understanding of their position and how to move their chapter forward in a positive direction.

Alumni volunteers will receive education and training on new Sigma Pi policies and will be able to guide and educate the chapters they are in charge of.

Sigma Pi University

Sigma Pi University, The Tony Siress Career & Leadership Institute, is a special three-day summer program, which was initiated in 1999 and has been held in every subsequent odd-numbered year. Unlike the Mid-Year Leadership Conference, its attendance is open to all interested undergraduates (brothers and new members) as well as alumni.

The focus of Sigma Pi University is personal and professional development of our membership. Topics that might be covered include:

  • Financial Management
  • Resume Building
  • Etiquette Skills
  • Basics of Communication
  • Leadership Training
  • Time Management
  • Networking
  • Interviewing Skills
  • Social Excellence

SPU also provides a venue for the informal exchange of successful ideas and activities among the conference attendees.

Attendees of this conference have consistently praised its value in helping understand what is necessary to be successful on campus as well as after graduation.